Self - Introduction Email

Subject: Self-Introduction and Communication Development Goals

Dear Professor Blackstone,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Ethan, a student in your critical thinking and communication module. I am writing to share my goals for enhancing my critical thinking and communication skills through this course.

My engineering journey began in secondary school with the Youth Flying Club, where I built hand-launched gliders and remote-control planes. This experience steered my interest toward manufacturing rather than aviation. I pursued this passion further at Singapore Polytechnic, engaging in the WorldSkills Singapore Competition in CNC Turning. This hands-on experience deepened my understanding of manufacturing intricacies.

One of my key communication strengths is directness. This trait has proven useful in various situations, from group projects where clarity in roles and objectives is crucial, to my time in the army, where I efficiently condensed meeting agendas into key points. Currently, this direct approach benefits me in sales discussions with potential clients, facilitating quicker and clearer transactions.

However, public speaking is a challenge for me. I often find myself speaking too quickly or losing focus under pressure. Despite this, I've made noticeable improvements, particularly through several presentations I delivered to high-ranking officers during my national service.

For this module, I have two specific goals in mind. Firstly, I would like to improve my communication skills, particularly my persuasiveness, as it is a skill integral for my role in sales. Secondly, I aim to polish my technical writing skill, so that I can articulate engineering concepts effectively to non-technical audiences.
One notable aspect would be my knowledge and experience in manufacturing. I am able to assess parts and devise their manufacturing processes, and identify improvements to facilitate more efficient manufacturing and assembly, an expertise that I apply for my own business. Additionally, I am currently running an engineering services company specializing in 3D printer filament sales, and I am working towards developing it into a full-scale manufacturing solutions provider.

I look forward to learning much from this module to aid both my academic and professional pursuits.

Best regards,



  1. Interesting info here, Ethan! I'll write in more detail once your blogging buddies have given you feedback.

  2. Hi Ethan! Thanks for sharing about yourself! Honestly, other then your self introduction being just a tad bit too long, it actually helps me get to know and understand you more! I can really see your passion for engineering and even the way you present and articulate yourself is impressive as well! i look forward to getting to know you better throughout our time here at SIT! Once again, it is nice to meet you!

  3. Hi Ethan! Wow, you have had much experience in the engineering industry. Good write-up with clear and concise key paragraphs. I admire your passion for engineering. Good Luck in your endeavors and looking forward to know you more in class!

  4. Hi Ethan! I really admire your passion for engineering from youth flying club to now owning your own business, I am really impressed. Your sentences display a good balance of length and structure, providing a smooth flow and maintaining reader engagement and majority of your sentences are clear and convey your thoughts effectively. Looking forward to working with you and to know you better.

  5. Dear Ethan,

    Thank you for sharing so much in this clear and informative letter. You address the key components of the brief and provide interesting details. I really appreciate learning, for instance, about your building "hand-launched gliders and remote-control planes" and how that inspired an interest in manufacturing.

    I'm curious about the statement related to your directness and how a "direct approach benefits me in sales discussions with potential clients. That's partially answered when you mention your company and its focus, but then I have other questions: How big is the company? When did it start? How did your interest influence your decision to focus on engineering at SIT?

    I look forward to learning more about you this term.




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